Biomedical Engineering

Scadenza ammissioni 12 dicembre


Become an engineer who understands and addresses future health needs. Choose UCBM program in Biomedical Engineering, and combine a solid foundation in basic sciences, engineering fundamentals, specific bioengineering skills and basic medical knowledge.

A full program in English designed to train professionals addressing biomedical engineering challenges in an international and rapidly evolving setting.

Shorten the distance between school and university with UCBM pre-registration. You can enroll in the biomedical engineering course as early as high school.

What are you waiting for? Join the world of UCBM!

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Employment opportunities

At Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, we offer the students work experience in the service of others and the environment, combining education with passion and scientific research.

Medical diagnostic device manufacturing companies

Medical device testing companies

Collaborator with healthcare professionals

Growing in an International Campus

An academic institution with an international character, nestled in greenery, ranked among the top 20 Italian universities in the world (World University Rankings 2024). The University educates students from the Faculties of Medicine and Surgery, Engineering, and Sciences and Technologies for Sustainable Development and One Health, fostering interaction for a multidisciplinary education.

Study Area

Simulation Classrooms

Common Areas


Cu.Bo: the new Cultural Box

The facility, built according to the latest standards in energy sustainability, is dedicated to teaching and simulation activities. It is equipped with 8 new classrooms, a study area, common spaces, and a 330-seat auditorium, which are in addition to the spaces already dedicated to teaching and research.



Explore UCBM

Step in to the Decima Malafede Nature Reserve to discover the locations where students from the Faculties of Medicine and Surgery, Engineering, and Sciences and Technologies for Sustainable Development and One Health are fully trained every day.

What Our Students Say

A key aspect is the connection you have with companies already during university days, and this allows us to launch into the world of work much more easily. 

Maria Cristina Maccarrone

Student of Biomedical Engineering

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Some Members of Our Faculty

Prof. Emiliano Schena


Prof.ssa Loredana Zollo


Prof. Giorgio Pennazza

Vice Dean

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2023© Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Via Álvaro del Portillo, 21 – 00128 Roma, Tel. +39 06.22541.1, Fax +39 06.22541.456, Partita Iva: 048 020 51 005, Codice Fiscale: 97087620585